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At first sight, your attention will be captured by the magnificent buildings of the Karlovci Philological Grammar School, the Clerical High School with Seminary and the Patriarchal Court, and you will not be able to resist taking a few photos beside the Four Lions Fountain. In the same square, in the centre, there are charming restaurants where you can recharge yourself with their delicious dishes, have coffee and savour the famous local confection – kuglof. From there, whichever way you may go, a new adventure awaits you.


Sremski Karlovci is known for events that marked the cultural, spiritual and political history of the region, thus the town has many sights and exciting exhibitions worth visiting

In the center of Sremski Karlovci, any way you turn, you will see an important cultural and historic building.

Vekovima su Sremski Karlovci poznati po rodnim vinogradima i kvalitetnim vinima koja su se pila i na carskim dvorima u Beču i u Moskvi.

Umetnost i Sremski Karlovci povezani su od najranijih dana osnivanja grada, koji je kroz istoriju privlačio velike ljude i umetnike.

Zaštićena prirodna dobra, izletišta, parkovi i spomenici prirode predstavljaju posebno bogatstvo Sremskih Karlovaca.

The Patriarchal Court

Izgrađen između 1892 . i 1894. godine, Patrijaršijski dvor je riznica kulture i istorije Srpskog naroda, u kojem se nalaze retki rukopisi, vredni umetnički predmeti kao i porteti episkopa i mitropolita. Ikonostas kapele Svetog Dimitrija u Patrijaršijskom dvoru oslikao je Uroš Predić, jedan od najvećih srpskih slikara.

The Chapel of Peace


On the hill above Sremski Karlovci, on the spot where the history of modern Europe was negotiated in 1699, the Peace Chapel was erected at the beginning of the 18th century. It is a memorial to honour the day when, after fifteen years of war, an peace agreement was signed between the Habsburg Empire, the Russian Empire, Poland and Venice on one side and the Ottoman Empire on the other. This historical event is known as the Karlovci Peace Treaty.

tourism organization services

Profesionalni vodiči

Vašu posetu Sremskim Karlovcima naši profesionalni vodiči obogatiće zanimljivim informacijama

Prodaja ulaznica

Rezervacija i prodaja ulaznica za posetu kulturno-istorijskim znamenitostima i muzejskim postavkama

Obilazak vinarija

Organizovana poseta vinarijama uz degustaciju vina i lokalnih gastronomskih proizvoda

Posete manastirima

Organizovana poseta manastira Fruške Gore, kulturološkog i istorijskog blaga Srpske Svete Gore

Rezervacija smeštaja

Naša organizacija će Vam pomoći prilikom odabira i rezervacije smeštaja u Sremskim Karlovcima

Obilazak tvrđave

Organizovani obilazak Petrovaradinske tvrđave, turističke i kulturne atrakcije ovog podneblja

Obilazak novog sada

Organizovani obilazak glavnog grada AP Vojvodine i Evropske prestonice kulture za 2022. godinu

Turističke informacije

Na sva vaša pitanja o našem gradiću mi znamo sve odgovore i stojimo vam na raspolaganju

Objedinjena ulaznica

Obilazak sa turističkim vodičem uz posetu Sabornoj crkvi Sveti Nikola, Karlovačkoj gimnaziji, Riznici u Patrijaršijskom dvoru i Bogosloviji Sv.Arsenije.

  • deca 350,00 dinara
  • odrasli 500,00 dinara

Dodatne usluge:

– Obilazak Petrovaradinske tvrđave
– Obilazak Novog Sada
– Obilazak Stražilova
– Obilazak Fruškogorskih manastira (po manastiru)

  • deca i penzioneri: 120,00 dinara
  • odrasli: 160,00 dinara

Obilazak sa turističkim vodičem uz posetu Sabornoj crkvi Sveti Nikola, Karlovačkoj gimnaziji, Riznici u Patrijaršijskom dvoru i Bogosloviji Sv.Arsenije.

Grupa do 15 osoba: 3.000,00 rsd + objedinjena ulaznica po osobi

Vođenje na stranom jeziku:

– Trajanje do 2 sata = 8.000,00 rsd + objedinjena ulaznica po osobi
– Trajanje preko 2 sata = 12.000,00 rsd+ objedinjena ulaznica po osobi


  • deca: 50 dinara
  • odrasli: 100 dinara


  • deca i penzioneri: 100 dinara
  • odrasli: 150 dinara


  • deca: 150 dinara
  • odrasli: 150 dinara


  • školske posete: 100 dinara
  • odrasli: 200 dinara

(manje od 10 osoba)

odrasli: 150 dinara


  • deca i odrasli: 200 dinara
  • grupe preko 15 osoba: 150 dinara



The two typical local products not to be missed are the famous dessert wine called Bermet and the irresistable confection of Karlovci, kuglof


Bermet is one of the first things that cross our mind when we mention Sremski Karlovci. It is a traditional desert aromatic wine that has been produced in this region for centuries. At first, it was used as a remedy. However, with the passing of time, due to its exceptional taste it was made for pleasure as well. Vienna Court was buying Bermet from the local winemakers in advance at high prices. From the middle of the 19 th century, it was being exported regularly even to America.


The first information about this cake date from 17th century. So far, there have been collected almost 400 recipes in Sremski Karlovci. Nowadays, it is made with various ingredients, such as cocoa, raisins, almond, hazelnuts and other type of nuts. Our senior citizens still remember how it used to be taken, mostly with white coffee, but lately also with cocoa. The most famous types of Kuglof are ancient, colourful, marble and wine Kuglof. In honour of this traditional cake, “Kuglof Festival” is being organized every year in June in Sremski Karlovci. It can be bought as a souvenir in a souvenir shop in the town centre all year long.

For centuries, the influences of a multitude of cultures and nations have intertwined in this region, thus creating rich and diverse cuisine, today recognized as traditional Vojvodina cuisine.